Beyond the Cloud

Client:Shenzhen Yanhan Industries Co., Ltd.

Date of release:May 2017

本片为侨城一号的项目宣传片,影片以一种很独特的视角,描述了云端之上的超现实的生活方式,与地面上嘈杂的生活的对比,从地面拉升的镜头,穿过云层,看到极其前卫的建筑矗立于云海之上,超现代化的设计感,开阔的视野,这是一种孤独和安静的生活气息的写照。   影片中所涉及到的建筑整体外观形态,以及客厅、厨房、泳池、书房、浴室的概念设计均为原创。

This is a brand promotional film for an ultra-high rise condominium in the Chinese city of Shenzhen. The property is located in an area mainly occupied by low-rise structures, and thus this skyscraper is poised to become the landmark of the region.

It revolves around life in the clouds, forming conspicuous contrast between life above the clouds and those on the ground, and employs surreal methods to express living in tranquility and away from the hustles and bustles of the city.

No matter a structure that float in mid-air or interior decorations and ambiance,it is a myriad of conceptual works and designs are featured in the film with the intention of garnering the attention of and inspiring awe in the viewer.